Observability Platform for DevOps Teams

Ensure DevOps teams have the necessary data to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement by integrating with CI/CD pipelines for automating performance testing and offering profound insights into how code changes affect production environments.

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DevOps Frequency and Failure Rate

Track Deployment Frequency and Failure Rate

Gain real-time insights into the frequency of code deployments and monitor their performance in production. Our DevOps Monitoring tool empowers DevOps teams to optimize resource allocation, run targeted tests, and ensure comprehensive coverage, allowing early issue detection. With confidence, introduce canary releases, and swiftly rollback in case of issues, minimizing the impact on your user base.

DevOps Monitoring Infra and Logs

Enhance DevOps Pipeline Performance

Achieve a thorough understanding of your applications and infrastructure, enabling early error identification, resource utilization optimization, including CPU, Disk, and Memory Usage, and seamless operations maintenance through DevOps Monitoring. Continuously monitor, analyze, and fine-tune your entire system in real-time to boost the efficiency, reliability, and agility of your DevOps pipeline.

Fix DevOps Errors

Shorten DevOps Test Cycles and Reduce Errors

Track each user interaction and uphold application performance and availability prior to deployment in production environments. Discover strategies to ensure application performance and availability before going live, utilizing real-time monitoring, automated testing, proactive anomaly detection, and efficient log management. This reduces debugging time and enables rapid feature delivery, enhancing developer productivity.

DevOps Alerts

Prevent False Alarms with Threshold-Based Alerts

Enhance your DevOps monitoring strategy by strategically calibrating alert thresholds. By configuring thresholds intelligently, you can reduce false alarms, ensuring that your DevOps teams receive only the most relevant alerts. Seamlessly integrate threshold-based alerts into your DevOps pipeline, enabling automatic incident response and proactive issue resolution, while also minimizing alert fatigue.

FAQs on DevOps Monitoring

What is DevOps Monitoring, and why is it important?

DevOps Monitoring is the practice of continuously tracking and analyzing the performance metrics, logs, and events of a DevOps infrastructure to ensure its reliability, availability, and performance. It's crucial because it enables teams to detect and resolve issues proactively, optimize resource utilization, and ultimately deliver better user experiences.

What types of data can be monitored with Atatus for DevOps purposes?

Atatus offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities across multiple dimensions:

  1. Infrastructure Monitoring: Tracks system-level metrics like CPU usage, memory utilization, disk I/O, network traffic, etc., providing insights into the health and performance of servers, containers, and cloud instances.
  2. Application Performance Monitoring (APM): Captures key performance indicators (KPIs) of applications, including response time, latency, throughput, error rates, etc., enabling teams to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and optimize application performance.
  3. Log Management: Collects, analyzes, and correlates log data from various sources, facilitating troubleshooting, debugging, and compliance monitoring.
  4. Distributed Tracing: Provides end-to-end visibility into complex microservices architectures by tracing requests across services, identifying latency hotspots, and diagnosing performance issues.
  5. Synthetic Monitoring: Simulates user interactions with web applications to monitor their availability, performance, and functionality from different geographic locations and devices.
How does Atatus facilitate monitoring of microservices architectures and distributed systems?

Atatus offers several features specifically designed for monitoring microservices and distributed systems:

  1. Distributed Tracing: Provides end-to-end visibility into distributed traces across microservices, allowing teams to trace requests as they traverse through service boundaries, identify latency bottlenecks, and troubleshoot performance issues.
  2. Service Map: Generates dynamic visualizations of microservices architectures, showing dependencies and communication flows between services, enabling teams to understand system topology, identify service dependencies, and detect potential failure points.
  3. Container Monitoring: Collects metrics and metadata from containerized environments, including CPU, memory, network, and disk utilization, as well as container orchestration metrics like pod scheduling, evictions, and auto-scaling events, facilitating monitoring and optimization of containerized workloads.
How does Atatus ensure security and compliance in DevOps environments?

Atatus offers several features to address security and compliance requirements in DevOps environments:

  1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Provides fine-grained access control mechanisms, allowing administrators to define roles, permissions, and access policies based on organizational roles and responsibilities, ensuring data privacy and enforcing least privilege access.
  2. Audit Logs: Records all user actions and system events within the Atatus platform, enabling administrators to monitor user activity, track changes, and investigate security incidents for compliance purposes.
  3. Data Encryption: Encrypts data both in transit and at rest using industry-standard encryption algorithms and protocols, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity across the monitoring pipeline.
  4. Compliance Dashboards: Offers pre-built compliance dashboards and reports for regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2, etc., providing visibility into compliance status, audit trails, and security posture.
Does Atatus capture request and response payloads for monitoring?

Yes, Atatus captures request and response payloads for monitoring purposes. It provides detailed insights into the content of API requests and responses, allowing developers to diagnose issues and optimize API performance effectively.

Does Atatus provide support for custom metrics and dashboards?

Yes, Atatus allows users to define custom metrics and dashboards tailored to their specific monitoring requirements. You can track custom metrics such as business KPIs, user engagement, or any other relevant data points for your APIs.

Does Atatus support alerting for API issues?

Yes, Atatus supports alerting for API issues. Users can configure alerts based on thresholds for metrics such as latency, error rate, and throughput. Alerts can be sent via email, Slack, or other notification channels.

How does Atatus ensure data security and compliance?

Atatus takes data security and compliance seriously. It encrypts data in transit and at rest, follows industry best practices for access control, and complies with relevant regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA. Users can also configure data retention policies to meet their compliance requirements.

What products does Atatus provide?

Atatus supports a wide range of products across various domains to help organizations monitor and optimize their systems and applications.

  1. Application Performance Monitoring
  2. Real User Monitoring
  3. Synthetic Monitoring
  4. Logs Monitoring
  5. Infrastructure Monitoring
  6. API Analytics
  7. Database Monitoring
  8. Kubernetes Monitoring

You're in good company.

You don't have to trust our word. Hear what our customers say!

Atatus is a great product with great support. Super easy to integrate, it automatically hooks into everything. The support team and dev team were also very helpful in fixing a bug and updating the docs.
Tobias L
Full Stack Engineer, ClearVoyage
Atatus is powerful, flexible, scalable, and has assisted countless times to identify issues in record time. With user identification, insight into XHR requests to name a few it is the monitoring tool we choose for our SPAs.
Jan Paul
Jan-Paul B
Chief Executive Officer, iSavta
Atatus continues to deliver useful features based on customer feedback. Atatus support team has been responsive and gave visibility into their timeline of requested features.
Daniel G
Software Engineer, MYND Management

Trusted Protection through Global Compliance

Feel assured as we maintain rigorous security protocols, ensuring the safety of your data with every interaction

SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
ISO 27001 Certified
ISO 27001 Certified
GDPR & CCPA Compliant
GDPR & CCPA Compliant

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