Simple pricing that works at any scale.

Application Performance Monitoring APM
$0.07per Host Hour / month
Real User Monitoring (RUM) RUM
$1.9610K Views / month
Server Monitoring Infra
$0.021per Host Hour / month
Logs Monitoring Log
$2per GB / month
Synthetic Monitoring Synthetic
$1.5per 10K Check Runs / month
API Analytics Monitoring Analytics
$1per 10K Events / month

Free 14-day trial. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Start Free Trial

Real User Monitoring

APM Monitoring

Infrastructure Monitoring

Logs Monitoring

Synthetic Monitoring

API Analytics Monitoring

Get deeper insight into performance issues and crashes using Atatus's performance monitoring.

Starts at$1.96
10K Views / month, (billed annually)

$2.6 billed monthly

Starts at$0.07
per APM Host Hour / month, (billed annually)

$0.096 billed monthly

Starts at$0.021
per Infra Host Hour / month, (billed annually)

$0.028 billed monthly

Starts at$2
Per GB / month, (billed annually)

$2.5 billed monthly

Starts at$1.5
Per 10K Check Runs / month, (billed annually)

$2 billed monthly

Starts at$1
Per 10K Events / month, (billed annually)

$1.5 billed monthly

Try free for 14 days

No credit card needed

All plans include:

End User MonitoringReal user monitoring (RUM)

SPA MonitoringSPA Monitoring

AJAXAJAX monitoring

JS ErrorsContextual JS error tracking

User TrackingUser tracking

Session RecordingSession tracking

GeograpghyGeography monitoring

API MonitoringTransaction monitoring

SourceMapSourceMap support

WebVital MonitoringCore web vitals monitoring

TransactionTransaction Monitoring

complete tracingComplete Tracing

DB MonitoringDatabase Monitoring

Third party API monitoringExternal Requests Monitoring

ExceptionException Tracking

MetricsRuntime System & Metrics

CPU MonitoringCPU, Memory & Disk Utilization

Process MonitoringProcess Monitoring

Uptime MonitoringHealth Checks

PackagePackage Monitoring

Live LogsLive Tail

LoggingCentralized Logging

APM with LogsAPM Integration


Uptime MonitoringHTTP, TCP, SSL, DNS, ICMP Checks

MultiStep API ChecksMultiStep API Checks

Geo Performance ChecksMultiple Geo Locations Checks

Check Frequency Customize frequency of check runs

API Requests MonitoringAPI Requests Monitoring

Latency InsightsLatency Insights

User API ConsumptionUser API Consumption

API FailuresAPI Failures

User API UsageBots Monitoring

API MetricsAPI Metrics

FilteringAdvanced search filtering

NotificationsReal-time alerts & summaries

Deployment TrackingDeployment Tracking

IntegrationsIntegrate Slack, JIRA & more

Unlimited AppUnlimited applications

Unlimited UsersUnlimited team members

Email SupportEmail support

Enterprise PlanPriority support for enterprise plans.

Need a custom plan? Contact our team for more details

Common pricing FAQ

We consider a host as a physical machine or virtual machine (VM) that sends data to us for a total of 720 hours within a month. This means that if you employ autoscaling, for instance, and run 2 physical hosts during the first 15 days of the month, but have no hosts operating during the second 15 days of the month, you would have accumulated only 720 hours of connection. Consequently, only one host will be calculated.

We provide a 14-day free trial. No credit card is required. And you may utilize this trial period to identify and fix slow DB queries, code bottlenecks, crashes, and more.

  • PHP
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Go
  • .NET

Yes, you can change your retention period in your billing. The default retention period is 30 days. You have the option to change it to 60 days or 90 days. For retention periods longer than that, please reach out to your Sales or Customer Success representative.

Yes, you can cancel anytime with your monthly plans. However, for annual plans, these are non-cancellable agreements for the duration of the year.

We offer annual, quarterly, and monthly billing options. We also customize plans to meet your needs. For more details, contact our team.

It's much more affordable. We do not charge per user. As a monitoring tool, collaboration is essential. Charging per user limits your capabilities. We also offer great support at no extra cost. Explore the comparison between NewRelic vs Atatus.

We do not limit by 1 million Indexed Spans. We collect all the necessary data points, including Spans and Traces, for you without the need for you to select which ones to retain. This ensures that your application is monitored comprehensively at all times. Additionally, we offer great support at no extra cost. Contact us to learn more.

A page load or a route change is considered a View. A View represents a single visit to your website/app by a user. If the user refreshes or revisits your page, it is counted as a separate View. In the case of a route change event in a single-page app, it is also considered a View.

We allow an equal number of Errors as Views. If your project experiences more JS Errors than Views, then JS Errors will be tallied as the Views count. For example, if you are subscribed to 1M Views, we accept up to 1M JS Errors within the same plan. If, by the end of the month, you have 1M Views and 2M Errors, your usage will be considered as 2M Views.

Yes, we natively support single-page apps. You can view route changes and the AJAX breakdown of these changes as well.

We do not count them separately; rather, we allow an equal number of Errors as Views. For instance, if you subscribe to 100k RUM Views, we also permit 100k Errors. If your project experiences fewer Views than JS Errors, then JS Errors will be considered as the Views count. For example, if you are subscribed to 1M Views, we accept up to 1M JS Errors within the same plan. If, by the end of the month, you have 1M Views and 2M Errors, your usage will be considered as 2M Views.

Atatus RUM will work on all JavaScript frameworks. We offer native support for Angular, React, Vue.js, Svelte, Next.js, Nuxt, and more. The framework-specific route changes and errors are also captured automatically.

We collect the default Google Web Vitals, which include:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Yes, you can change your retention period in your billing. The default retention period is 30 days. You have the option to change it to 60 days or 90 days. For retention periods longer than that, please reach out to your Sales or Customer Success representative.

Yes, you can cancel anytime with your monthly plans. However, for annual plans, these are non-cancellable agreements for the duration of the year.

We offer annual, quarterly, and monthly billing options. We also customize plans to meet your needs. For more details, contact our team.

It's much more affordable. We do not charge per user. As a monitoring tool, collaboration is essential. Charging per user limits your capabilities. We also offer great support at no extra cost. Explore the comparison between NewRelic vs Atatus.

We do not limit by 1 million Indexed Spans. We collect all the necessary data points, including Spans and Traces, for you without the need for you to select which ones to retain. This ensures that your application is monitored comprehensively at all times. Additionally, we offer great support at no extra cost. Contact us to learn more.

We define a host as a physical machine or virtual machine (VM) that sends data to us for a cumulative duration of 720 hours in a month. This means that if you use auto-scaling, and let's say you run 2 physical hosts for the first 15 days of the month, but have no hosts running for the second 15 days of the month, you would have accumulated only 720 hours of connection. Consequently, only one host will be calculated.

We support all flavors of Linux and macOS.

  • Apache
  • HAProxy
  • Memcached
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

Yes, you can change your retention period in your billing. The default retention period is 30 days. You have the option to change it to 60 days or 90 days. For retention periods longer than that, please reach out to your Sales or Customer Success representative.

Yes, you can cancel anytime with your monthly plans. However, for annual plans, these are non-cancellable agreements for the duration of the year.

We offer annual, quarterly, and monthly billing options. We also customize plans to meet your needs. For more details, contact our team.

It's much more affordable. We do not charge per user. As a monitoring tool, collaboration is essential. Charging per user limits your capabilities. We also offer great support at no extra cost. Explore the comparison between NewRelic vs Atatus.

We do not limit by 1 million Indexed Spans. We collect all the necessary data points, including Spans and Traces, for you without the need for you to select which ones to retain. This ensures that your application is monitored comprehensively at all times. Additionally, we offer great support at no extra cost. Contact us to learn more.

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Elasticsearch
  • MongoDB
  • Apache
  • HAProxy
  • Nginx
  • Custom files

We are working on RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Apache ZooKeeper.

There are no limitations on log storage. You should choose the appropriate daily volume when selecting a plan.

Yes, you can change your retention period in your billing. The default retention period is 30 days. You have the option to change it to 60 days or 90 days. For retention periods longer than that, please reach out to your Sales or Customer Success representative.

Yes, you can cancel anytime with your monthly plans. However, for annual plans, these are non-cancellable agreements for the duration of the year.

We offer annual, quarterly, and monthly billing options. We also customize plans to meet your needs. For more details, contact our team.

It's much more affordable. We do not charge per user. As a monitoring tool, collaboration is essential. Charging per user limits your capabilities. We also offer great support at no extra cost. Explore the comparison between NewRelic vs Atatus.

We do not limit by 1 million Indexed Spans. We collect all the necessary data points, including Spans and Traces, for you without the need for you to select which ones to retain. This ensures that your application is monitored comprehensively at all times. Additionally, we offer great support at no extra cost. Contact us to learn more.

We support various types of API checks, including HTTP, SSL, DNS, TCP, and ICMP. Each time a check is executed from a single location, it is counted as a single check run. For instance, if there are 5 API checks running from 2 different locations every minute, the calculation is as follows:

Total check runs to be considered:
5 (checks) * 2 (locations) * 60 (minutes) * 24 (hours) * 30 (days) = 432,000 check runs


Additionally, we also offer support for Multi-Step HTTP API checks. In this scenario, each step involving an HTTP request is counted as a separate check.

Yes, you can change your retention period in your billing. The default retention period is 30 days. You have the option to change it to 60 days or 90 days. For retention periods longer than that, please reach out to your Sales or Customer Success representative.

Yes, you can cancel anytime with your monthly plans. However, for annual plans, these are non-cancellable agreements for the duration of the year.

We offer annual, quarterly, and monthly billing options. We also customize plans to meet your needs. For more details, contact our team.

It's much more affordable. We do not charge per user. As a monitoring tool, collaboration is essential. Charging per user limits your capabilities. We also offer great support at no extra cost. Explore the comparison between NewRelic vs Atatus.

We do not limit by 1 million Indexed Spans. We collect all the necessary data points, including Spans and Traces, for you without the need for you to select which ones to retain. This ensures that your application is monitored comprehensively at all times. Additionally, we offer great support at no extra cost. Contact us to learn more.

An individual API request is regarded as one event.

In Analytics, every API request to your servers is captured separately, including request headers, request bodies, response headers, and response bodies. This allows you to easily investigate failures, identify threats, and enhance performance for real API consumers.

Yes, you can change your retention period in your billing. The default retention period is 30 days. You have the option to change it to 60 days or 90 days. For retention periods longer than that, please reach out to your Sales or Customer Success representative.

Yes, you can cancel anytime with your monthly plans. However, for annual plans, these are non-cancellable agreements for the duration of the year.

We offer annual, quarterly, and monthly billing options. We also customize plans to meet your needs. For more details, contact our team.

It's much more affordable. We do not charge per user. As a monitoring tool, collaboration is essential. Charging per user limits your capabilities. We also offer great support at no extra cost. Explore the comparison between NewRelic vs Atatus.

We do not limit by 1 million Indexed Spans. We collect all the necessary data points, including Spans and Traces, for you without the need for you to select which ones to retain. This ensures that your application is monitored comprehensively at all times. Additionally, we offer great support at no extra cost. Contact us to learn more.

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Avail Atatus features for 14 days free-trial. No credit card required. Instant set-up.