Ajax Requests

Atatus’ Real User Monitoring gives you deep visibility into your AJAX calls. Track response times, detect errors, and analyze performance to ensure seamless data updates and enhance the user experience on your AJAX page.

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Ajax Requests

Key Metrics

Monitor these key metrics to ensure your Ajax requests perform efficiently and reliably, allowing you to detect potential issues before they impact your application's responsiveness and overall user experience.

Response Time

Response Time

Measures the time taken for Ajax requests to receive a response from the server, helping identify slow-loading requests that could impact user experience.

Request Count

Request Count

Tracks the total number of Ajax requests made during a specific time frame, providing insight into application usage and potential bottlenecks.

Error Rate

Error Rate

Monitors the percentage of failed Ajax requests (e.g., 4xx or 5xx status codes), helping to identify issues that could affect application functionality and user satisfaction.



Measures the number of Ajax requests processed per second, offering insights into server capacity and performance under varying load conditions.

Payload Size

Payload Size

Analyzes the size of the data sent and received in Ajax requests, helping to optimize data transfer and reduce loading times.

Duration by Endpoint

Duration by Endpoint

Breaks down the response times of Ajax requests by specific endpoints, allowing developers to pinpoint performance issues with particular APIs or services.

Why Ajax Request Monitoring Matters

Let’s explore the advantages that make monitoring Ajax requests essential for your web applications:

Real-Time Updates Without Page Reloads

Ajax architecture enables seamless updates on web pages by refreshing only specific parts of the page instead of reloading the entire content. This leads to a smoother user experience, reducing interruptions and keeping interactions fluid.

Ajax Requests Page Reloads

Enhanced Server Efficiency and Reduced Load

With Ajax calls, your application can minimize the data transferred between the client and server. By requesting only the necessary data, you reduce server load and bandwidth usage, making your application more efficient and scalable.

Ajax Requests Server Efficiency

Boosted Application Responsiveness

Ajax calls allow the asynchronous loading of data, meaning users don’t have to wait for all elements to load at once. This ensures that your application remains responsive and interactive, even when dealing with large datasets or slow network connections.

Ajax Requests Application

Improved User Interactions and Engagement

By leveraging the power of Ajax architecture, you can create dynamic web applications that respond instantly to user actions, such as clicking buttons or submitting forms, leading to better engagement and a more enjoyable user journey.

Ajax Requests Community Support

FAQs for Ajax Requests | Atatus

What are Ajax Calls?

Ajax calls (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) are requests made from a web page to a server using JavaScript without reloading the entire page. These calls allow web applications to retrieve and send data in the background, enabling dynamic updates and interactivity by refreshing only specific parts of a page, leading to a smoother and more responsive user experience.

How can I monitor Ajax requests in my web application?

You can monitor Ajax requests using tools like Atatus Real User Monitoring. It captures all Ajax calls made by your web app, tracks response times, and logs errors to help you understand the performance and behavior of your AJAX interactions.

How do I identify and resolve slow Ajax calls?

Use Atatus to view the response times and throughput of individual Ajax calls. Identify calls that exceed acceptable thresholds and investigate further using detailed traces to pinpoint the exact cause, whether it’s server latency, payload size, or inefficient code.

Can monitoring Ajax requests help reduce page load times?

Yes, monitoring Ajax requests helps detect slow or failed requests, which could delay page interactions. By optimizing these calls, you can reduce load times and improve the overall responsiveness of your web application.

How does Ajax request errors impact user experience?

Ajax request errors, like 4xx or 5xx HTTP status codes, can disrupt real-time data updates and cause parts of your web page to malfunction. With Atatus Real User Monitoring, you can track and resolve these errors quickly, ensuring a consistent and seamless user experience across your web application.

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