
Campfire + Atatus Integration

Get notified for errors and performance issues in Campfire.

Integrations    Campfire

campfireIntegrate Campfire with Atatus

Campfire is a simple web-based real-time group chat tool developed by the dynamic team at 37 Signals.

Setup instructions
  1. In Atatus, Navigate to project Settings -> Team Notifications -> Campfire.

  2. Enter the Subdomain of your Campfire account into the subdomain textbox. e.g. where your_account is the subdomain.
  3. Copy-paste the API Token from the My Info page in Campfire into the API Token texbox.
  4. Enter the Room ID into the textbox. From Campfire room URL, find the room id that is listed after room. e.g.<room_id>. The last six digits in the URL is the Room ID.
  5. Press the Save button when you're done.

Congrats! Campfire is now integrated with Atatus. Error and performance notifications will be delivered to the configured Campfire room.

This is how you will see the notification in Campfire.


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