Transforming Apps with Peak Performance

4 Leaf Labs turbocharged performance with Atatus APM and browser monitoring, driving seamless efficiency.


IT Services and IT Consulting


Northern California


United States


Yauri, Lead Engineer

Before Atatus

  • excalamatory
    Limited visibility into app performance
  • excalamatory
    Manual detection of errors and slow queries
  • excalamatory
    Inconsistent response times

After Atatus

  • greentick
    Enhanced insights with Atatus APM
  • greentick
    Automated detection and proactive issue resolution
  • greentick
    Optimized response times

4 Leaf Labs: Modernizing Restaurant Operations through Innovative Technology Solutions

4 Leaf Labs is a progressive company at the forefront of restaurant digitization. They specialize in providing innovative solutions like online ordering, QR code ordering, kitchen displays, and kiosks. Their mission is to save restaurants time and enhance operational efficiency through modern technology.

From Slow Queries to High Performance!

Before partnering with Atatus, 4 Leaf Labs faced significant challenges in monitoring the performance of their applications. The complexity of their digital infrastructure, which included various online and offline components, demanded a robust and flexible monitoring solution.

Yauri, the Lead Engineer at 4 Leaf Labs, elaborates:

"Our primary challenge was monitoring the performance of our applications. We needed a comprehensive solution that could provide a detailed picture of our system without the need to install additional tools or build custom dashboards."

Specifically, they struggled with tracking user interactions, identifying slow queries, and diagnosing application performance issues. This lack of visibility often delays identifying and resolving problems, resulting in suboptimal user experiences and operational inefficiencies.

Comprehensive and Adaptable Monitoring System!

4 Leaf Labs turned to Atatus for its comprehensive Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solution. APM provided deep insights into their application's performance, allowing the team to monitor real-time performance metrics, trace transactions, and identify bottlenecks.

Atatus APM allowed 4 Leaf Labs to monitor metrics such as response times, throughput, and error rates, helping them understand how their applications performed at any moment. The transaction tracing feature enabled the team to trace individual transactions across various services, helping them identify where delays were occurring. Atatus APM also provided detailed insights into errors, including stack traces and contextual information, making it easier for developers to diagnose and fix issues promptly.

Yauri says:

"With Atatus APM, we can trace every transaction and identify bottlenecks, whether in our database, external services, or within our own application code."

Unlock Real User Insights for Exceptional User Experiences!

In addition to APM, 4 Leaf Labs utilized Atatus's Browser Monitoring to gain insights into their applications' client-side performance. Browser Monitoring helped them understand how their applications performed from the user's perspective.

Atatus Browser Monitoring captured real user interactions, providing metrics like page load times, user sessions, and geographic locations. This helped 4 Leaf Labs understand how users were experiencing their application in real time. The JavaScript error tracking feature allowed the team to capture and analyze JavaScript errors occurring in the browser, helping them identify and fix client-side issues quickly. Performance metrics such as Time to First Byte (TTFB), First Contentful Paint (FCP), and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) were tracked, enabling the team to optimize the loading times and performance of their web pages.

Yauri highlights the benefits:

"Atatus Browser Monitoring allowed us to see our application through our users' eyes. We could track real user interactions, capture JavaScript errors, and monitor critical performance metrics, which was invaluable for optimizing the user experience."

Maximized Performance, Minimized Client Concerns!

The effect of Atatus on 4 Leaf Labs was immediate and significant. The team could easily detect performance issues and gain valuable insights into their system's performance. This proactive approach enabled them to address problems before their customers were affected.

Using Atatus APM, 4 Leaf Labs could trace every transaction, identify performance bottlenecks, and reduce response times. Browser Monitoring allowed them to optimize the user experience by capturing real user interactions and quickly resolving JavaScript errors. This comprehensive monitoring approach resulted in faster problem resolution and improved application performance.

"Joe is extremely helpful, providing custom contracts tailored to our budget and needs. The response from the Atatus team has been pretty helpful and fast." - Yauri

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