Third-Party Integrations for your JS errors

There are two kinds of communications that happen within your team

  • All communications are through email
  • You discuss everything through chatrooms

You already receive notifications by email from Atatus. What was missing is, you weren’t getting notifications in your chatrooms. We have now made that possible. You can easily integrate your team chat with Atatus. There by, all new errors will automatically be notified in your team chat system.

Apart from communications, you would also want to track your overall tasks and bugs through a tracking system. We see the need for the errors that you receive in Atatus to be tracked via this. Hence, we have also added support for automatically posting your JS errors into these tracking systems as well.


Following are the summary of integrations that we are starting with

Team Chat Integrations

  • Slack - Slack is a platform for team communication
  • HipChat - Bring your team to life
  • Campfire - Team collaboration with real time chat.
  • Flowdock - Chat & inbox for teams.

Tracking System Integrations

  • JIRA - Tracker for teams planning and building great products
  • BugHerd - The world’s simplest bug tracker, just point and click.
  • Asana - Teamwork without email
  • PivotalTracker - Build better software faster
Atatus Integrations

If you want to know more about these integrations, please read the Atatus Documentation. If we are missing your favourite chat or tracking system, send us an email and we will add support for it right away.

Start using Atatus now

Atatus makes error tracking easier on your live web applications with little effort along with user interactions that lead to the error and integrate with your team chat and tracking systems. Try out the free 14 day trial – no credit card required.


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Fizer Khan

Fizer Khan

Co-Founder & Architect at Atatus