

CMO at Atatus.

How to Deploy React App For Free?

"Ready to launch your React app but not sure where to start? This blog covers the best free deployment platforms available to host your React development portfolio at no cost.

Python Environment Variables

Learn to use Python Environment Variables for app configuration. Manage and utilize them to improve the functionality and security of your code.

API Error Codes: A Beginner's Primer

Learn the basics of API error codes, how to effectively communicate errors to clients, and troubleshooting tips for API development with this essential resource.

Diving into React Select: A Beginner's Guide

Master the basics of select elements with React Select! This beginner-friendly guide will take you on a journey to streamline your selections with ease and confidence. Dive in now!

Top 9 DevOps Monitoring Tools in 2024

DevOps has evolved in terms of its tools, techniques, and culture. This article will discuss the significance of DevOps monitoring, its types, and the tools you can use to be productive.

Website Monitoring: What, Why, and Best Practices

In this blog post, we will discuss website performance monitoring by explaining what it is, why you need it, and the best practices to improve website performance. Let's start by defining what website monitoring is.

Monitor your entire software stack

Gain end-to-end visibility of every business transaction and see how each layer of your software stack affects your customer experience.