

Janani works for Atatus as a Content Writer. She's devoted to assisting customers in getting the most out of application performance management (APM) tools.

HTML vs HTML5: Learn the Difference Between Them

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the basic language for creating websites. Since its introduction in the late 1980s, HTML, like anything else in the tech world, has grown tremendously. Many that are new to coding should become acquainted with HTML5, the most recent version.

Datadog vs Atatus

Both Datadog and Atatus ensure optimal application availability and performance through comprehensive end-user monitoring, application monitoring, and server monitoring capabilities.

What is Real User Monitoring?

Real User Monitoring (RUM) is a active technique to website performance monitoring that collects and reports data from the site's actual users. It is a service that collects performance data from end-user browsers when they connect to a website and creates reports based interactions with the page.

Monitor your entire software stack

Gain end-to-end visibility of every business transaction and see how each layer of your software stack affects your customer experience.