

Content Writer at Atatus.

Log Observability and Analytics Guide

In log observability, log files are monitored and analyzed for identifying and resolving issues. In log analytics, insights are extracted from these logs.

A Layman's Guide To HTTP/2

To reduce latency, HTTP 2 uses head-of-line blocking. If one or more requests wait for data from another server, multiple requests can be transmitted.

Round-Trip Time (RTT) - An Overview

Round-Trip Time (RTT) is the proportion of time that a data packet takes to transmit plus the amount of time it takes for an affirmation to be acquired.

Serverless: The Future of the Internet

Serverless performs functions, running cloud services & deploying software. As part of this model, the cloud provider manages both servers and applications.

HTTP Keep-Alive - In Light

HTTP keep-alive is a feature that allows a client to connect repeatedly to a server without disconnecting prematurely. Learn more about HTTP keep-alive here.

Monitor your entire software stack

Gain end-to-end visibility of every business transaction and see how each layer of your software stack affects your customer experience.